A look at our digital and non-digital selves—and what comes after.


I missed the anniversary of starting The Off Switch. Oops. I started this blog on September 1, 2010 and was pondering the changes for a few weeks prior. All in all, I can say that it has been a very positive experience. Despite the inconveniences, the occasional mocking, etc., this decision to curb the role of technology and many of it’s incessant interruptions has been quite enlightening.

There no need to recount the changes I made and the realizations and meanderings I encountered along the way, because they are all chronicled here. If you’re interested, just go back. But I did want to reflect on my sense of self and peace that has resulted.

A year ago, I was a full-on technology addict. I was constantly pre-occupied with checking emails, social networks, and websites to the point where I was not myself. I was not living the life I’d envisioned. Just as significantly, my commitment to technology was snowballing and I was finding that there was no longer a social standard to keep me honest. The compulsion toward devices and the Internet had and have taken over, and my only hope was to just put it down.

Now 12 months in, I’m pleased to report that I feel at peace. By identifying and working toward a personal ideal, I have reconnected with myself. I’m not saying that I’ve arrived at non-technological nirvana. But I’m actively in pursuit of a better life that doesn’t involve the buzzes, dings, apps, and distractions of constant connection. And for that I am thankful.

Lately, I’ve been wondering what’s next. What’s next for this blog and for my own assessment of technology + me? No idea. But I’ll let you know when I find out.

Comments on: "Happy" (3)

  1. How about blogging on what you notice when you’re not connected to technology all the time. I know I miss half the things my kids are doing around the house because I have my nose in my iPad. How sad is that?

    100 things you would have missed if you’d been texting instead…

    or something.

    I like reading your writing so don’t stop blogging my friend.

    • Stefani – one of the drawbacks of not being so connected is that I missed your thoughtful comment until now. I will consider where this theme may take me. I have experienced so much reality since backing away – and it is worth contemplating, I think.

  2. I’m onboard as I am finding that modern technology is tending to hypnotize people into an almost trance like state and thus make one dependent on it as opposed to making us more autonomous and introspective.

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